Beautiful hardwood floors give this kitchen a rich warm feeling. After replacing the door and windows, the trim was reproduced in detail to match the rest of the house.The famous “Nook Of Truth”.On this side of the kitchen, the glass tile was used to create a backsplash detailPanoramic view of the stove wall.
Larger tile decreases the number of grout lines on a countertop, and are a good alternative to expensive solid slabs.A passthrough was created to open the kitchen up to the dining room. The existing hardwood floors were refinished throughout.Nice details and customizations can be achieved with some creativity.
Light is an important consideration for any space; this kitchen is brightened by the large window and recessed fixtures.Frosted glass, aluminum and a light shade of wood for a contemporary look.Ceramic tile provides kitchen countertops a hard and durable surface. Grout lines need to be cleaned and sealed often to maintain their original color.
Upper wall cabinets were sacrificed to allow more light to shine through the windows.The simple cabinet design and granite countertops are enhanced by the rich hardwood floors.The cabinetry was custom built to conceal a washer and dryer near the kitchen area.The door fronts are removable to allow the appliances to be rearranged as necessary.
The term Galley Kitchen is used to refer to the design of household kitchen wherein the units are fitted into a continuous array with no kitchen table, allowing maximum use of a restricted space, and work with the minimum of required movement between units.Upper (wall) cabinets standard sizes are 30” and 39”. An 8’ ceiling allows the installation of 39” upper cabinets, while keeping the recommended distance from the countertop.A passthrough was created between the kitchen and the dining room. Both the light tube and the passthrough allow more light to brighten in the kitchen.
All the appliances have the same finish: range, fridge, dishwasher and microwave. The sink and the cabinet handles are also stainless steel.Pantries are often installed at the end of a run of cabinets. It is important to add a spacer between the last corner cabinet and the wall, in order to allow doors and drawers to function properly.This beautiful granite countertop extends 9” into the dining room to create some leg room for barstools.
Most new downdraft stoves feature a chimney that rises several inches above the cooktop height when activated. Ideal for large pots and pans.Fir floors are often found in old Portland homes under carpet, vinyl or other floor types. We like to reclaim and refurbished any wood floor, whenever possible. Reduce, reuse, recycle!A brick chimney is purposely left in place in this kitchen, to create a contrast between old and modern.
These containers mounted under a cabinet will hold flour, sugar, coffee, salt, and more: just another great space-saving idea.This modern kitchen called for a detailed backsplash. A mosaic marble-mix tile, and glass subway tile was used.Making the best use of every inch of wall space, while decorating the kitchen.
A butcher block countertop was used in this small country style kitchen. Note that the microwave has beed incorporated into the upper cabinet to create more countertop working space.Large two-door stainless steel fridge, with ice maker and water dispenser witch custom nook.The wine bottle cabinet was placed away from any sources of heat, such as stoves or ovens.
A passthrough was created to open the kitchen up to the dining room (work in progress).A passthrough was created to open the kitchen up to the dining room.